
Karin Ahlin

Film poster for the documentary film Keep on Burning.

Saran. Snapshot from the documentary film Keep on Burning.

Ulrika. Snapshot from the documentary film Keep on Burning.

Ernesto. Snapshot from the documentary film Keep on Burning.

Ulrika. Snapshot from the documentary film Keep on Burning.

Karin Ahlin
Year of birth: 1980
Country of birth: Sweden
Keep on Burning

Approximately 150 students graduate from Konstfack every year. The time at Konstfack is a period of lust, anxiety, joy, despair and a lot of work to finish in time for the degree show. The many possibilities at the school place great demands on its students.

During the spring semester of 2011, Karin Ahlin followed three Master’s students in their last and most important creative process at the school. The documentary Keep on Burning allows us to follow their concerns, thoughts and struggles: from the initial idea to a complete exhibition and reflections on life after school.

The film provides insight into the creation and all that it entails: from the pressure that the student constantly lives under to the highs and lows of the creative process.

It is incredibly difficult to get in to Konstfack, but the film Keep on Burning shows what may sometimes be even more difficult: getting out.

På Konstfack tar cirka 150 studenter examen varje år. Det är en period av lust, ångest, glädje, förtvivlan och mycket arbete för att hinna klart till examensutställningen. Skolans stora möjligheter ställer stora krav på dess studenter.

Under vårterminen 2011 följde Karin Ahlin tre masterstudenter i deras sista och viktigaste kreativa process på skolan. I dokumentärfilmen Keep on Burning får man följa deras oro, tankar och kämpande, från första idé till färdig utställning och funderingar om livet efter.

Filmen ger en inblick i skapandet med allt vad det innebär; från tidspressen som studenten ständigt lever under till den kreativa processens toppar och dalar.

Det är oerhört svårt att ta sig in på Konstfack, men filmen Keep on Burning visar det som ibland kan vara ännu svårare: att ta sig ut.

Behzad Khosravi Noori

Karin Ahlin

Margot Sucksdorff Barolo

Olof Einarsson

Rolf Hughes